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Much gratitude for your generosity!
Information About Your Donation
New York Insight Meditation Center is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
Donations to New York Insight are tax deductible under IRS 170(f)(8). Should you have any questions regarding your contribution, please contact
“Generosity brings happiness at every stage of its expression. We experience joy in forming the intention to be generous. We experience joy in the actual act of giving something. And we experience joy in remembering the fact that we have given.”
– The Buddha
NYI exists and continues to thrive because of generosity. We keep fees low and provide scholarships so that the teachings remain accessible to all; registration fees cover approximately 50% of our total costs. We rely on other support to meet the costs of running the center which include rent, modest salaries for our staff, and basic supplies. We have no endowment or fiscal sponsor; we depend on membership, yearly fundraising appeals as well as the donations people give at events to keep our center doors open.
We appreciate your generosity; your donations provide others the gift of these priceless teachings.
What People are saying
“I’ve worked for traditional non-profits, and I get it, NYI is not like a regular non-profit. It does not get funding from foundations and doesn’t have major grants. The sangha is its funding. If I don’t help support it, it will not exist.”
“I support NYI because I want it to be a success and I want it to be available for myself and any other New Yorker seeking peace and happiness in this big beautiful crazy city”