
The Next Buddha is Sangha


At New York Insight, we aspire always to nurture community and connection. The opportunities listed below are events and programs specifically geared towards creating community.

Please check the calendar for up to date information about any changes/cancellations and locations for off-site events.

Sanghas/Ongoing Meditation Sitting Groups

New York Insight offers a variety of drop-in Onsite and Offsite Ongoing Sittings at our center and in various locations including Harlem, Brooklyn, Queens and New Jersey. Sittings are led by NYI Teachers or Peer-Leaders. Click here for the list of sanghas.

Monthly Friday Potluck Sittings (see calendar for specific dates): Fridays, 7–9pm
“Spiritual Friends are the whole of holy life.” – The Buddha

These monthly community gatherings include a guided meditation followed by a community meal. The potluck sittings provide an opportunity to meet like-minded people in an open and welcoming space. Some months include film screenings, music or other artistic sharing. Please bring a vegetarian offering to share. There is a microwave available for re-heating food. Plates, utensils, etc. will be provided.

Kalyana Mitta (KM) Groups
NYI Kalyana Mitta Groups are peer-led groups that meet in homes or other venues. Kalyana Mitta is a Pali term that means “spiritual friend;” it can refer to anyone on the path of Dharma who is a guide, support or merely co-traveler. A KM Group usually consists of 5-12 members, an intimate enough setting for true exploration of Dharma topics. This deepens the development of daily life as practice.

To read more about these groups and their guidelines, download a copy of the KM Guidelines.