Entering the Dhamma Fields: A Five Day Residential Retreat with Ajahn Sucitto
Location: The Won Dharma Center, 361 State Route 23, Claverack, NY
October 10th, 6:30pm to October 15th, 2:30pm
Ajahn Sucitto is one of the beloved teachers of our Insight tradition. This five-day residential retreat will be an opportunity for members of the NYI Sangha to sink deeply into practice. The retreat will take place at the beautiful Won Dharma Center near Hudson, New York.
This retreat is now sold out. However we have added a waitlist on an EventBrite listing for this retreat. We will allow registrations from the waitlist if and when spaces become available.
If you are interested in signing up for the waitlist, please go here, click on the green TICKETS button, add your name on the waitlist, and complete the Pre-Retreat Questionnaire (pre-retreat questionnaire must already be filled out to be considered if spaces do open up). Thank you!
We tend to focus on external and transient phenomena, while glossing over our subjective presence. This retreat will explore the value and methods of shifting the focus of attention from objects such as thoughts and sensations, to fields of direct experience such as energies, relationships and environments. Themes will include entering the field of the Triple Gem – the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha – through devotional practices such as chanting, compassion, gratitude, healing the embodied field through mindfulness of body, and extending the heart field through goodwill. There will be qi gong and some interactive exercises. The retreat will be structured by the Eight Precepts and periods of group practice. Group interviews with Ajahn Sucitto will be provided.
There are a total of six single rooms, 10 double rooms (two beds per room) and two quadruple rooms (four beds per room), and one Dorm style room with twelve mattresses. Since this retreat is structured by the Eight Precepts, there will be two formal meals each day, breakfast and lunch, before 1pm. Between 1pm and dawn, according to the monastic discipline, certain small edibles, and fruit juice, coffee and tea will be offered. This retreat is not recommended for beginners.
Refund Policy
Refund requests made before October 3, 2018 will receive 50% of the registration fee. After October 3, no refund requests will be accepted.
To obtain a refund, send a request to registration@nyimc.org. Please be sure to include your full name.
Financial Assistance
Due to the cost of offering this retreat, a limited amount of partial scholarships are available. The NYI Scholarship Fund allows NYI to offer partial financial assistance to those who may not be able to afford full registration costs. Please apply for a scholarship by emailing retreat@nyimc.org.