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The Dharma of Consent, Finding a Common Language
Tuesday Dharma Gathering with Lama Rod Owens
Tuesday, October 30th, 2018 from 7:00pm-9:00pm
Please join visiting teacher Lama Rod Owens for this special Tuesday Dharma Gathering.

Whether you are new to New York Insight or an experienced meditator, join us for an inspiring evening of discussion and practice. All are welcome to attend this open community gathering—and bring your friends. We look forward to seeing you!

**The Beginner’s Orientation to Insight Meditation is cancelled for this evening. Beginners are encouraged to sit in the main room at 7pm to experience the teachings of Lama Rod.

Fee by donation: You can now pre-register by paying the suggested donation online for our Tuesday Dharma Gathering; as always you can just drop in and “pay what you can.” Whatever you offer is greatly appreciated and no one is ever turned away for lack of funds. For this event, all donations are shared between the teacher(s) and NYI.



Lama Rod Owens

Lama Rod OwensLama Rod Owens is considered one of the emerging leaders of his generation of Buddhist teachers. An author, activist, and formally authorized Buddhist teacher in the Tibetan tradition of Buddhism, he is the co-founder of Bhumisparsha, a Buddhist tantric practice community as well as a visiting teacher with several Buddhist centers including the Natural Dharma Fellowship and the Brooklyn Zen Center. A graduate of Harvard Divinity School, Lama Rod has also been a guest faculty member at the Harvard School of Education’s program Mindfulness for Educators. He has been a regular guest on SiriusXM’s Urban Viewhosted by Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Karen Hunter. He is also a co-author of Radical Dharma: Talking Race, Love, and Liberation and his next book project exploring transformative anger and rage is due out Fall 2019. Lama Rod can be reached at www.lamarod.com.

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