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Creating a Life of Integrity: A Year of Wholehearted Practice
A Special Event with Joseph Goldstein and Gail Stark
Tuesday, July 13th, 2021 | 7:00pm-8:30pm ET

Join Joseph Goldstein and Gail Stark as they lead a free online Q & A with the graduates of the eleven-month online course, “Creating a Life of Integrity.”

The course follows Gail’s book of the same name, crafted from monthly dharma conversations she had with Joseph. Each month, Joseph provided instructions for developing the 10 Paramis, the virtues of a Buddha: Generosity, Virtue, Renunciation, Wisdom, Courage, Patience, Truthfulness. Resoluteness, Loving-kindness, and Equanimity. These teachings are designed to inform daily life and end up working on you in mysterious and powerful ways. The results were so life-changing for Gail that she was inspired to write the book and now teaches around it.

Joseph came to New York Insight last September to kick off the course. On Tuesday, July 13th, 2021, he will return to help wrap up this first unfolding of the course, and launch a second cohort starting in October. If you are interested in learning more, we encourage you to come hear Joseph and Gail discuss the 10 Paramis, talk about their view of the process a year later, and hear the new graduates ask questions and share their insights after a year of wholehearted practice.

We hope to see you there. Please RSVP below to reserve your spot!

Gail Stark’s book, Creating a Life of Integrity, is available online and in bookstores.


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Joseph Goldstein

Joseph Goldstein has been leading insight and lovingkindness meditation retreats worldwide since 1974. He is a cofounder of the Insight Meditation Society in Barre, Massachusetts, where he is one of the organization’s guiding teachers. In 1989, together with several other teachers and students of insight meditation, he helped establish the Barre Center for Buddhist Studies.

He is the author of Mindfulness: A Practical Guide to Awakening, A Heart Full of Peace, One Dharma: The Emerging Western Buddhism, Insight Meditation: The Practice of Freedom, The Experience of Insight, and co-author of Seeking the Heart of Wisdom and Insight Meditation: A Correspondence Course.

Gail Stark

Gail Andersen Stark has been quietly infiltrating the San Francisco world of business with Buddhist teachings for thirty-plus years. Cofounder of a highly regarded San Francisco real estate company, she has guided and mentored hundreds of new agents and clients, gently utilizing the concepts of integrity, kindness, and grace. Her passion is to help make these ancient principles available and accessible to a world in need. She lives in Sausalito, California with her husband, Ron.

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