Community Blog
On Knowing the Path
All paths of practice must begin with a simple question. How do we know where to start? In the Cankī Sutta (Majjhima Nikaya 95), the Buddha debates a young Brahmin named Kāpaṭhika, who has faith in the Vedas, and only the Vedas, as his religious guide. In opposing the boy's approach, the Buddha gives a detailed overview of how he believes one is supposed to assess any proposed dhamma, and not be led astray. The question he raises is deep and profound. How do we choose the proper path? How do we ensure we aren't following false teachings? Most generally, how are we to discover the truth?
Not Without You!
As we move into another year, New York Insight would like to thank those sangha members who were so generous with their time, creative energy, and presence - the volunteers.
The first instruction for establishing Mindfulness is to know the body, and it begins with focusing on breathing. Even though it’s an essential part of our life support system, we normally give very little attention to the breath, unless there is a problem with it.
Our New Registration Model
As an Urban Community Dharma Center we are continually balancing our mission to provide access to these powerful teachings with our challenges to be financially resilient as a not-for-profit organization. We have a commitment that no one is turned away from the teachings for lack of funds and have an open scholarship policy that ensures that our programs remain accessible to all.
Dear Abhi-Dhamma: Working with a Tight Jaw
Dear Abhi, What Advice can you give me about having a tight jaw when meditationg. I have tried to place my tongue behind the bottom teeth, but this does not have a strong effect. Are there other ways to release the jaw when sitting?
Liberation in Seven Days!
In the Satipatthana Sutta, the root text in which the Buddha gives detailed instructions for practicing Mindfulness, he promises that following those instructions precisely and diligently for even as little as seven days will lead to freedom. Wow!! This gets my attention.