Awakening to the Climate Emergency:
A Wesak Observance
Saturday, May 18th, 2019 | 11:30am-5:00pm
In connection with the Call to Declare Climate Emergency and timed with Wesak, the annual observance of the Buddha’s Awakening to reality, we invite you to come together as a sangha for a live-stream webinar to Declare Climate Emergency at all levels. Hosted by One Earth Sangha, and featuring teachers Kittisaro and Thanissara, this 90-minute webinar will focus on sharing resources, strategies and outcomes as we mobilize together to take on the climate emergency. Guests will include Kristin Barker (One Earth Sangha), Jozen Gibson (Brooklyn Zen Centre, Awake Youth Project, Insight Meditation Society), Noliwe Alexandra (East Bay Meditation Center), Mark Ovland (Extinction Rebellion, UK Logistics), Charity Kahn (San Francisco Insight)
The webinar will be followed by a potluck lunch and discussion, facilitated by NYI teacher Jon Aaron, on NYI’s evolving response to the climate crisis and how we might move forward as a community.
Please bring a vegetarian or vegan offering to share with the sangha during the potluck.
“Let us join together in our heartbreak so we can share and transmute our grief, pain and outrage into a clarity and focus that informs creative, joyful, non-violent action.” —Thanissara
Please RSVP below for the free event. You are invited to offer a donation in the registration form below by selecting a RSVP ticket and entering an amount in next to “Donation.” All donations will be shared between New York Insight Meditation Center and One Earth Sangha. No one is turned away for lack of funds.