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Postponed: Deepen, Soften, Open, Ease – How to Meet What Comes Up in Practice, in Life

with Amy Gross

Wednesdays, May 13th – June 3rd, 2020 | 6:30pm – 8:00pm ET

Please note. This program is being postponed to a later date.

If there’s ever been a time when we needed our practice to lean on – it’s now.

What helps the most is sangha, a group of one’s own, a place and time to sit together, develop gentle ways to untangle our tangles, dissolve delusion, see through the causes of suffering, and find peace.

Our practice can guide our minds to calm down and our hearts to open up. For all of us, it’s been said, “Take care of your practice and it will take care of you.”

This is a workshop for MBSR alumni and those with some background in Buddhist meditation.

All proceeds from this program will go to support New York Insight.


This program is being postponed for a future date.


Amy Gross

Amy GrossAmy Gross has been practicing mindfulness meditation since l994, sitting many retreats, including two three-month retreats, at the Insight Meditation Society, Forest Refuge, and Spirit Rock Meditation Center. A former magazine writer and editor, she last served as editor in chief of “O, The Oprah Magazine” before retiring to devote herself to practice and teaching MBSR.

She completed the Professional Training workshop led by Jon Kabat-Zinn, PhD, founder of MBSR and of the UMass Medical School’s Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care, and Society, and Saki Santorelli, EdD, then-Executive Director of the CFM. She also completed the CFM’s MBSR practicum and Teacher Development Intensive. She remains awed by the course as a brilliant way to retrain our minds, to free us from the kind of reactions that make for stress and suffering.
She is currently a member of the board of New York Insight Meditation Center and a contributing editor at “Tricycle, The Buddhist Review.”

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