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Now Online: Fierce Love, Fierce Change in the Time of COVID-19
with Gina Sharpe
First and third Sundays in May and June
May 3rd, May 17th, June 7th, June 21st, 2020 | 10:00-11:30am ET

New York Insight’s beloved Co-Founder and former Guiding Teacher, Gina Sharpe returns to lead a series of four online Sunday sittings, sharing observations about how COVID-19 has demanded of us fierce love and fierce change. In each session, she will offer a guided meditation, her reflections and time for questions and discussion.

Drop in for any or all sessions. 

Click here for Zoom online access.

These Sunday morning events are co-presented by Westchester Insight Meditation Community.

Gina founded Westchester Insight Meditation Community (“WIMC”) in 1995 as a sitting group in Katonah, New York, with her beloved husband, John Fowle, now deceased. That community offers teachings mainly based in the Theravadan Buddhist tradition. In 2016, WIMC established a Social Justice Group. Several community members have been trained in the Community Dharma Leaders programs of Spirit Rock Meditation Center.

Westchester Insight Meditation Community website.

Gina is generously offering her teachings for the sole benefit of New York Insight. She requests that in lieu of dana (giving) to her, participants donate as generously as is possible, albeit in these difficult economic times, to support NYI in its valuable and timely offerings to a community that is the epicenter of this pandemic and in which so many are suffering from anxiety, fear and uncertainty. Now, more than ever, it is important to encourage and support strengthening our oneness throughout and beyond our community. New York Insight continues to work through these perilous times not only to strengthen community, but also to offer spiritual support and practice opportunity, needed now more than ever.


Knowing these are difficult times, we are especially and poignantly grateful for your financial support. New York Insight thanks Westchester Insight Meditation Community and Gina for graciously donating these teachings. Honoring such generosity with your own is an act of abundant faith in the refuge and steadfastness of sangha, and we thank you for joining and supporting us to maintain and extend our reach to all who can benefit from these teachings.

If you are registering via a mobile device such as a phone or tablet, you can scroll right and left and up and down within the below form if it is partially obscured or cut off. Please contact registration@nyimc.org if you need assistance.


Gina Sharpe

Gina SharpeGina Sharpe, born in Jamaica, immigrated to New York at the age of 11. She has an A.B. in Philosophy from Barnard College and a J.D. from New York University School of Law. Before practicing law, she worked in the New York City Lindsay Administration, in the motion picture industry, as a researcher in not-for-profit organizations and as an executive in a publicly owned corporation. She serves and has served as a Board Director in several profit and not for profit corporations, including New York Insight. She co-founded New York Insight Meditation Center and served for more than 15 years as its Guiding Teacher. She founded Westchester Insight Meditation Community (WIMC) in 1995 and currently serves as its Guiding Teacher. She has taught at various Buddhist silent retreat venues around the United States and abroad and served as a Buddhist Chaplain at New York State’s sole maximum security prison for women for several years.

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