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Online Community Potluck

Friday, May 15th, 2020 | 7:00pm – 9:00pm

We warmly welcome all to our first virtual potluck and community gathering!

We miss our “in person” potlucks and are so looking forward to this opportunity to connect, check in, and be together again as a community. Hope to “see you” there!

We will begin “as usual” with a teacher led sit from 7:00-7:40pm, followed by sharing our mealtime and company until around 9:15pm.

We know the “magic” created by connecting with Sangha and we miss you!

Looking forward to seeing and being with you. A zoom link will be forthcoming… The cleanup should be easy!


As we move into this new time, we recognize the real importance and need of supporting NYI, our spiritual home and community. Thus, although this potluck will remain open to all, we invite you to offer Dana for New York Insight. Although there is no registration and your presence remains the greatest gift, donations will be accepted for whatever you may offer. Looking forward to sharing this community meal with you with gratitude and appreciation.

Available Online by Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85821289167

Or, dial by your location
+16465588656,,719498730# US (New York)

Meeting ID: 858 2128 9167
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/aeGCOAr8uX


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