Loving Kindness and Equanimity With Sharon Salzberg

Equanimity is a spacious stillness of mind that allows us to be with things as they simply are. It does not imply indifference, however. Rather, when equanimity is present, it is the ground out of which sustained transformation can occur. It is also the foundation for the boundless arising of other qualities of the mind […]

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You Are Not Your Pain

Space is limited Sundays; January 15, 22, 29; February 5, 12, 19, 26; March 5 Structured payment plans and limited partial scholarships are available, please contact info@nyimc.org for additional information. This 8-Week class is geared toward those who deal with persistent pain, illness or other conditions affecting one’s physical health. The curriculum was originally developed […]

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Dedicated Practice Sangha

Fee by donation DEDICATED: adj: committed-devoted-sincere-enthusiastic Are You Dedicated? If you are passionate about the Dharma, then the Sunday DP Sit is a perfect opportunity to deepen your practice. Sit, Walk, and Share with a friendly, peer-led group of practitioners with a variety of Vipassana, retreat and Dharma study experience. No instructions given. All are […]

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Generation Meditation: Young Adults

Fee by donation “You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf.” --Jack Kornfield This community meets on Sunday evenings to meditate, discuss Buddhist teachings, and provide mutual support in applying these practices to the specific challenges of early adulthood. The gathering is participatory and casual. Possible discussion topics include career, relationships, money, […]

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People of Color Sangha

This sitting group provides instruction in insight meditation and fosters mutual support and understanding among the growing community of people of color who find nourishment and inspiration in the practice of meditation.

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