Jon has been a teacher at NYI since 2006.  His principal dharma teachers have been Matthew Flickstein of The Forest Way and Kittisaro and Thanissara of The Sacred Mountain Sangha. He is a Certified Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Teacher and Teacher Trainer and has taught over 100 cycles of the seminal curriculum.  He leads retreats in the US and in Europe.  He is the co-guiding teacher of the Makom Meditation Havurah program at the Jewish Community Center.  He is a certified Somatic Experience Practitioner® and an Accredited teacher of Mindfulness for Heath from Breathworks in the UK.  Jon is a co-founder of the MBSR Teachers Collaborative of Greater New York, and a founding member of the Global Mindfulness Collaborative.  Recently with his partner Upayadhi, he established, an online community for meditators which started in the context of the pandemic and has been thriving ever since.