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In-Person and Online: An Unapologetically Buddhist Approach to Mindfulness – the Satipatthana Sutta

with Jon Aaron

Thursdays, September 30th 2021 – March 17th 2022 | 10:00am – 12:00pm ET

First Foundation – September 30th, 2021 – November 4th, 2021 (6 weeks)
Second Foundation – November 11th, 2021 – December 9th, 2021 (4 weeks)
Third Foundation – January 13th, 2022 – February 3rd, 2022 (4 weeks)
Fourth Foundation – February 10th, 2022- March 17th, 2022 (6 weeks)

In-person class meetings will take place at Integral Yoga Institute, Greenwich Village

“This is a super important course, and Jon Aaron is the perfect person to offer up this deep exploration, and point out its relevance in virtually every moment of our lives—anybody’s life. It is also invaluable for MBSR teachers who are unfamiliar with this teaching and text.” – Jon Kabat-Zinn, September 2021

The Four Establishments or Foundations of Mindfulness are the core of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction and most other “mainstream” mindfulness programs. This 2600-year-old set of teachings offers an incredibly powerful path of practice as well as diverse ways of looking at, and working with, our lived experience, on and off the cushion. There is far more to the Satipatthana Sutta that is apparent, or even explicit, in most secular mindfulness courses. This will be an opportunity to explore the teachings in the fuller context of the Buddha’s presentation, unimpeded.

Though all Four Satipatthanas overlap, each section will dive into one while relating to the others. You may register for all 20 weeks, or go section by section.

Each 2-Hour class includes a periods of practice, inquiry, a Dharma talk and discussion. There will also be two full-days of practice associated with the course.

This course will be appropriate for anyone who has completed an MBSR Class, Insight 101 or other mindfulness meditation class as well as those who have advanced practices. If you have questions about whether this is the right course for you, please write to me.

Section One — Coming Back to the Body with love!
September 30th-November 4th, 2021 – Six weeks
Exploring the key teachings in the First Establishment: Mindfulness of the Body.

Section Two — The Tonality of Experience
November 11th-December 9th, 2021 – Four Weeks
Working through the Second Establishment of Mindfulness: Vedana or how the mind receives experience.

Section Three — The Wild and Crazy Mind
January 13th-February 3rd, 2022 – Four Weeks
Contemplating the Third Establishment of Mindfulness: Mindfulness of Mind, or how experience is influenced by the habitual responses and how mindful awareness creates the capacity to see beyond this.

Section Four — Mapping Experience
February 10th-March 17th, 2022 – Six Weeks
Mindfulness of Mind Objects (Dharmas): The Fourth and last of the Satipatthana teachings incorporates many other teachings which are primarily different ways of looking at our moment to moment experience including the obstacles and signs of progress toward one’s awakening and a deeper understanding of Dukkha and the end of Dukkha.

This course will use many resources in its exploration including the writings of Bhikkhu Analayo, Bhante Gunaratana and Bhante Sujato and of course the various translations of the sutta.

NYI’s Covid Protocol for In-Person Programs:
All participants must be vaccinated – Proof of vaccination is required.
All participants must register before attending NYInsight all forms of gatherings (sanghas included.)
All participants must wear masks.
All participants will have their temperatures checked upon arrival.
All participants must follow social distancing guidelines (keep 6’ apart.)

Disclaimer: Procedures adhere to current CDC guidelines. Changes may be applied at any time, based on CDC guidelines.

For the health and safety of our staff and community, please do not come onsite if you are feeling unwell.

In-person programs will take place at Integral Yoga Institute, Greenwich Village, New York City
All in-person programs may convert to online programs if circumstances dictate.


Please register at the highest level that your generosity offers.
Explanations of levels follow below.
If you are registering via a mobile device such as a phone or tablet, you can scroll right and left and up and down within the below form if it is partially obscured or cut off. Please contact registration@nyimc.org if you need assistance.

Module 2: Second Foundation Only: (November 11th, 2021 – December 9th, 2021 (4 weeks))

Module 3: Third Foundation Only: January 13th, 2022 – February 3rd, 2022 (4 weeks)

Module 4: Fourth Foundation Only: February 10th, 2022- March 17th, 2022 (6 weeks)

Registration Fees include Teacher Support

New York Insight Meditation Center has streamlined the registration fee levels. Members of our Circle of Friends are eligible to receive 20% off of the Sustaining Rate via a code provided in the email confirming membership, which you can enter after clicking the Sustaining Level registration.

*Benefactor Level: Supports NYI’s ability to offer the Subsidized Base.

**Sustaining Level: This level reflects the actual costs to support this program. Circle of Friends members eligible for 20% discount with code. Click here to join.

***Subsidized Base: Made possible by the generosity of Benefactor Level above and other donations to ensure participation by those requiring financial assistance.

If you have questions about your registration (cancellation policy, membership discount, email confirmation, etc.), please read our FAQs. If your question is not addressed in the FAQs, please email registration@nyimc.org.

If you are unable to pay the Subsidized Base Fee, you can learn about volunteering to offer work exchange and letting us know how much you are able to pay for this program by emailing registration@nyimc.org.

Please note that New York Insight records online programs. The recorded content may be discoverable should a legal matter arise.

By registering, I give New York Insight permission to use my text/video/audio for educational, promotional, advertising, or other purposes for the duration of New York Insight activities going forward.

If you have any questions, please contact registration@nyimc.org.



Jon Aaron

Jon has been a teacher at NYI since 2006.  His principal dharma teachers have been Matthew Flickstein of The Forest Way and Kittisaro and Thanissara of The Sacred Mountain Sangha. He is a Certified Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Teacher and Teacher Trainer and has taught over 100 cycles of the seminal curriculum.  He leads retreats in the US and in Europe.  He is the co-guiding teacher of the Makom Meditation Havurah program at the Jewish Community Center.  He is a certified Somatic Experience Practitioner® and an Accredited teacher of Mindfulness for Heath from Breathworks in the UK.  Jon is a co-founder of the MBSR Teachers Collaborative of Greater New York, and a founding member of the Global Mindfulness Collaborative.  Recently with his partner Upayadhi, he established  Space2Meditate.com, an online community for meditators which started in the context of the pandemic and has been thriving ever since.  JonAaron.net

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