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In-Person: Embracing Climate Crisis as a Spiritual Path Yearlong Course
with Jon Aaron and Lin Wang Gordon
One Sunday a month, February 27th, 2022 – December, 2022
This is an in-person course, with the intention to build community and connections. The community’s health and safety, however, is also our priority. At this time, the hope is to hold the first two classes indoors (at Integral Yoga Institute in the West Village) with the protocols listed below. Beginning in April, classes will be held outdoors in various parks and natural environments throughout NYC.
“Action on behalf of life transforms. Because the relationship between self and the world is reciprocal, it is not a question of first getting enlightened or saved and then acting. As we work to heal the earth, the earth heals us.”

― Robin Wall Kimmerer, Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants

As the climate crisis intensifies, society and life on Earth are changing in ways we have never imagined before. Life as we’ve come to know it, is in the midst of massive change and upheaval as a result of many interrelated causes. How do we hold this? How do we face our anxiety, fear, anger, grief, guilt, and overwhelm with compassion and wisdom, and cultivate a sense of resilience? What are our individual and collective responses to respond to the climate crisis? Where do we fit into what Joanna Macy has called The Great Turning? How do we cultivate a sense of agency and empowerment?

Over the months of this course we will discover how our embodied Buddhist practice can help us face difficult emotions with compassion and how that impacts our response to the crisis. We will explore healing and cultivating compassion, wisdom, resilience, equanimity through our practices. Embracing the climate crisis is as much a spiritual, sacred path as healing from our personal crisis. We will explore diverse voices who have been working on the responses – diversity that includes gender, race, and age – to provide a wide range of perspectives. We will also explore nature-based practices – integrating wisdom from our natural environment into our practices and understanding.

The course will include four daylong-retreats, six half-day retreats, ongoing small groups and regular readings. This is a hybrid course both online and in-person, with the intention to build and nurture community throughout the course. Each participant will be expected to take on some project related to this work – including meditating outdoors throughout the year, and a local volunteering project of choice related to the environment. Core reading will include:

A Time to Stand Up by Thanissara;
Active Hope by Joanna Macy;
All We Can Save by Ayana Elizabeth Johnson and Katharine Wilkinson
And other additional resources

NYI’s Covid Protocol for In-Person Indoors Programs:
All participants must be fully vaccinated and have received a Booster shot – Proof of vaccination and booster is required.
All participants must register in advance before attending the program.
All participants must wear masks at all times.
Procedures adhere to current CDC, NY State, NYC, and Integral Yoga Institute guidelines.
Changes may be applied at any time, based on these third-party guidelines.

For the health and safety of our staff, teachers, and community, please do not come onsite if you are feeling unwell.

Course Meetings:
Sunday, February 27th, 2022 – (Integral Yoga Institute) full day, 10am-5pm
Sunday, March 20th, 2022 – half day, 1-5pm
Sunday, April 24th, 2022 – TBD – (Outdoor) full day, 10am – 5pm
Sunday, May 15th, 2022 – (Outdoor – TBD) half day, 1-5pm
Sunday, June 19th, 2022- (Outdoor – TBD) half day, 1-5pm
Sunday, August 21st, 2022 – (Outdoor – TBD) half day, 1-5pm
Sunday, September 18th, 2022 – (Outdoor – TBD) full day, 10am – 5pm
Sunday, October 16th, 2022 – (Outdoor – TBD) half day, 1-5pm
Sunday, November 13th, 2022 – (Outdoor – TBD) full day, 10am – 5pm
Sunday, December, 2022 – Date TBD
Please Note the course will not meet in July 2022



Please register at the highest level that your generosity offers.
Explanations of levels follow below.
If you are registering via a mobile device such as a phone or tablet, you can scroll right and left and up and down within the below form if it is partially obscured or cut off. Please contact registration@nyimc.org if you need assistance.
NYI offers a payment plan for the course for each of our registration levels. To learn more and register with a payment plan, please email us at: registration@nyimc.org [Please include the subject line: “Yearlong Course Payment Plan”]

Registration Fees include Teacher Support

New York Insight Meditation Center has streamlined the registration fee levels. Members of our Circle of Friends are eligible to receive 20% off of the Sustaining Rate via a code provided in the email confirming membership, which you can enter after clicking the Sustaining Level registration.

*Benefactor Level: Supports NYI’s ability to offer the Subsidized Base.

**Sustaining Level: This level reflects the actual costs to support this program. Circle of Friends members eligible for 20% discount with code. Click here to join.

***Subsidized Base: Made possible by the generosity of Benefactor Level above and other donations to ensure participation by those requiring financial assistance.

If you have questions about your registration (cancellation policy, membership discount, email confirmation, etc.), please read our FAQs. If your question is not addressed in the FAQs, please email registration@nyimc.org.

If you are unable to pay the Subsidized Base Fee, you can learn about volunteering to offer work exchange and letting us know how much you are able to pay for this program by emailing registration@nyimc.org.

If you have any questions, please contact registration@nyimc.org.



Jon Aaron

Jon has been a teacher at NYI since 2006.  His principal dharma teachers have been Matthew Flickstein of The Forest Way and Kittisaro and Thanissara of The Sacred Mountain Sangha. He is a Certified Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Teacher and Teacher Trainer and has taught over 100 cycles of the seminal curriculum.  He leads retreats in the US and in Europe.  He is the co-guiding teacher of the Makom Meditation Havurah program at the Jewish Community Center.  He is a certified Somatic Experience Practitioner® and an Accredited teacher of Mindfulness for Heath from Breathworks in the UK.  Jon is a co-founder of the MBSR Teachers Collaborative of Greater New York, and a founding member of the Global Mindfulness Collaborative.  Recently with his partner Upayadhi, he established  Space2Meditate.com, an online community for meditators which started in the context of the pandemic and has been thriving ever since.  JonAaron.net

Lin Wang Gordon

Lin has studied insight meditation under the guidance of Jonathan Foust, Mark Coleman, and Sebene Selassie in the past decade.

In the last few years, Lin was particularly moved by the power of nature meditation to connect with a deep sense of well-being, love, wonder, resilience, and interconnection with all beings. Lin was inspired to share nature meditation and ecodharma as a doorway for personal transformation as well as a form of environmental activism.

She graduated from Mark Coleman’s Awake in the Wild Nature Meditation Teacher Training in 2017 and has been learning to lead ecodharma retreats from Johann Robbins and David Loy since 2018. She has taught at New York Insight Meditation Center and around the country. She is enrolled in the Spirit Rock Community Dharma Leaders Program (CDL6). linwanggordon.com

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